by Dennis Polhill December 8, 2013 Denver Post For decades U.S. transportation policy has been stagnant. Because about half of gasoline taxes cycle through Washington, D.C, cost-sharing and benefits in transportation are…
Category: Transportation Finance
Better Motorcoach Trip Times
By Brian T. Schwartz and Dennis Polhill Road-users can get more mileage from fuel taxes they already pay. But some federal officials and states are considering increasing fuel or other taxes. Bad…
Is More Mobility at Less Expense Possible?
Is More Mobility at Less Expense Possible? By Will Toor and Dennis Polhill In most arenas, we are used to the notion that you pay for what you get. Intuitively, we all…
Use road taxes for our roads
Denver Post 03/22/2013 By Brian T. Schwartz, PhD. and Dennis Polhill, P.E. Drivers can get more mileage from fuel taxes they already pay. But some states are considering increasing their fuel…
The Constitutional Controversy Over Federal Government Involvement in Transportation
THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONTROVERSY OVER FEDERAL GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT IN TRANSPORTATION By Dennis Polhill Research assistance by Dominque Tarpey and Steve McWhirter Presented at American Legislative Exchange Council Seattle, Washington July 2004 At least…
Congress Should Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way
Opinion Editorial By Dennis PolhillWhat is wrong with this picture? Traffic congestion is the worst ever and is worsening. Congestion imposes costs that exceed the cost to eliminate it. Half of the…
Taxes Versus Tolls: the Future of Transportation Finance
Opinion Editorial By Dennis PolhillThe wealth Americans enjoy depends upon the efficient movement of goods and services. When the Pennsylvania Turnpike opened between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, trip time halved. Suppliers suddenly had…
It’s Not Too Late To Make T-REX a Success
Opinion Editorial By Dennis Polhill, Tiffany Dovey Anyone who’s ever had the misfortune of traveling on I-25, or rather, ofsitting in the parking lot otherwise known as Interstate-25, knows that asyou head…
It’s Not Too Late: To Avoid Congestion After T-REX (Issue Backgrounder)
Issue Paper By Dennis Polhill SummaryBy using the power of the market to help the T-REX project, congestion-free, free-flow traffic travel can be made available to both carpoolers and single occupant drivers….
Colorado’s Anti-Transportation Policy (Issue Backgrounder)
Issue Backgrounder By Dennis Polhill, Matthew Edgar The Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) recently updated its Metro Vision 2020 Regional Transportation Plan. Although their transportation agenda is not directly stated, hints…